Hello! I’m Adrian and I am a third-year Computer Science and Engineering major at The Ohio State University. I’m an advocate for Free and Open Source Software, and I have made contributions to notable open source projects like systemd and GNOME. I’m also passionate about OS development, and specifically my Linux distribution: carbonOS. You can read more about it in my sample work page.

I was introduced to software development at a very young age, and for as long as I can remember I’ve been working to improve my computer science, engineering, and teamwork skills. I am deeply interested in low-level computing, and I am taking many OS- and compiler-development classes at my university.

This website is my portfolio: my standard resume can be found here, and an overview of some of the projects I’ve worked on can be found here. You can find my contact information and links to my various Git accounts in the footer below.

You can find my GPG public key here.